Feb. 15, 2023
LPG tank (propane tank) or LPG storage tanks is made from welded steel and is designed for the required pressures and heat expansion of the stored hydrocarbon gases, including propane and butane. LPG tanks are frequently seen at petrol stations for LPG Autogas storage. However, how to choose the proper type of storage tank is the first step when weJan. 29, 2023
CIMC ENRIC and Zhejiang University set up Hydrogen Energy Technology R&D Centre. Joint Research into High-pressure and Cryogenic Hydrogen Field to Enhance China's Competitiveness in Hydrogen Energy Equipment.Dec. 30, 2022
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a very widely used energy source in both industrial and residential applications. LNG trailers are specifically designed to transport liquefied natural gas. In this blog, we will elaborate on what is an LNG trailer and what to know about this means of transportation.